Sunday, September 13, 2009

PET Scan tomorrow

Tomorrow, Rob will be going to IMED for his PET scan. He needs to be there bright and early.

He is taking a nap now. Today, he had a full day: got up at 7:30, ate breakfast, went to church (3 hours), and ate lunch. Just like most people, he is taking a Sunday afternoon nap.

I think that some of his tiredness is rubbing off on me. I am exhausted. I am ready for a month-long vacation with nothing to do, but sit on a beach somewhere.

Rob's family will be in town over the next week and one-half. One-third of his siblings live in Florida, so it will be fantastic to see them. Hopefully, Rob can keep up with the festivities and not sleep mid-sentence (in case you are wondering, he is not that bad, yet - but he has an uncanny ability to fall asleep during an action-packed-nail-biting movie).

Anyway...We will be meeting with his oncologist on Wednesday. I will update then.

1 comment:

joyce said...

Just thinking about you and keeping my fingers crossed for good results! Love you, Joyce xo