Wednesday, August 12, 2009

X-ray Vision

As you know (or don't), Rob had an X-ray and met with his oncologist this week.

As Rob and I thought, there really wasn't any reason to get our knickers in a twist regarding the X-ray. In June, the spots that had magically appeared on his PET scan were relatively small - didn't really see much on the X-ray. I think that the X-ray was more like a security blanket for all parties involved.

So, my thinking is that since X-rays are not as sensitive as say, for instance, PET scans, they will not show as much. (My friend Ann told me that an X-ray is how lung cancer used to be diagnosed - aren't we glad that we have much better tools nowadays?)

The plan for the next little while is to get another PET scan in September and see what is going on in that itty-bitty thing we call Rob's right lung.

P.S. He is still breathing. He's ALIVE!