Friday, December 18, 2009

December Scan Results

Hey everyone. Did you think that we fell off of the face of the earth?

Rather than posting "He is still breathing" over and over again, I thought that I would just update when there are changes (i.e. when he has scans or when he stops breathing).

Monday, Rob had his 3 month PET scan. Yesterday, we met with Dr. Greg Litton (oncologist) to discuss the scan.

The scan showed some increasing of the scary masses I posted about in September. Additionally, there are more of said scary.

In essence, he said that Rob is not dying right now. Phew! (I guess the fact that the only thing is, is that he is tired, but still breathing is a good indicator...) He is not curable, but we are looking at different treatments further down the road to slow the growth of the growthssss (heehehe).

Rob will have another scan in four months.