Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Amazing Friends

Yesterday was a lovely day. My friend, Ann, took me and our friend, Penny out to lunch. We walked over to the Lion House and had a terrific lunch. Afterward, Ann said that she wanted to show me something in her office. We walked into it and she said to me that she and Penny had something for me. Of course, I started crying the second I saw what it was. Click on the picture to get a closer look...

Penny had asked me for some pictures of my family about six months ago. She told me not to ask questions. Honestly, I forgot about it. This is why she wanted them. Ann purchased the material and Penny pieced and quilted this AMAZING quilt together! The colors are PERFECT! They are bright and cheery. Orange is Rob's favorite color, so not only the pictures be a great reminder of him, but the colors will be, too!

Words cannot even express how much I appreciate this amazing gift. This is something that our family will cherish forever! I am blessed to have such thoughtful friends. Ann and Penny - you rock!