Thursday, January 22, 2009

ICU - Day LAST!!!!

I am so happy to tell you that Rob is being transferred to the 4th floor as I write.

Last night was a really bad night - his epidural stopped working. After a few times of fine tuning, he is much better and his pain is under control.

I can hardly contain my excitement! Last time, he was three days in the ICU. Practice makes perfect, right? (hehehe)

For now, it feels good. We have jumped through two hurdles - 1. surgery, 2. ICU. We have a few more to go, but I am pleased with the care he has received and how well he is recovering. He is such an amazing man. (No wonder I married him.)

I am grateful for the calls, notes, dinners, e-mails, and comments on this blog. We are surround by angels.



Sue Ann said...

I'm so glad that things have gone so well. I think about you and your family often! You continue to be in my prayers. You are so awesome to handle this all with such dignity and humor. I did get the Chief Inspector Dreyfuss eye reference. I too am a big fan of the original Pink Panther movies. And, I get the "Dreyfuss eye" when I am overstressed! :0)

Anonymous said...

Jessica and Robert
Gratefully things seem to be moving along well. Our thoughts are with you often. Hopefully you are lifted as you realize how many people are cheering, hoping, pulling, and praying for you. We all love you.

Kim and Mike Bradshaw

Chelle said...

He is amazing...and YOU are amazing. No wonder you married each other! : ) Thanks for the great updates, Jessica. We are cheering you!!

much love,

Chelle said...

.....cheering you on, that is! (typing too fast this morning)