Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Today's Special

After a night of semisleep, Rob awoke at 4 am, I followed suit at 4:30. (YUCK!!!) We were able to fall back asleep just to receive the wake up call from the nurse at 5:50 am. Wahoo! The day has started! Rob can hardly contain his excitement. (hehehe)

He had to shower with the "special cleanser" and then we waited the two hours for someone to get Rob for his 8:30 am date with the knife.

They just called to let us know that he is doing well. The surgery started about an hour ago (about 9:45 am). They will give us a call in a few hours to update.

Steve, Elaine (Rob's parents), Gloria (my Mom), and Megan (my sister) are here with me to keep me company.

Will post again when the next course is served (hehehehe). Poor Rob, he doesn't know how much fun I am having without him. ; )

The family last night - the kids wanted to say good night to their Daddy.

This picture is from this morning during the wait for the free ride to surgery! I really wanted to post the picture of Rob's half shaved upper body. He threatened me that if I did, he would post pictures of me (no, not what you are thinking - childbirth - I think that we have come to an agreement).

What you are reading is gallows humor. Trying to make light of an awful situation. (In case you think I am a) crazy, b) insensitive, or c) lame - I just wanted to let you know where I am coming from...)


Stefanie and Jeff said...

I love the post! Thanks for the update! I hope you are doing ok. I am thinking of you! Keep up the good spirits.

Sharon said...

Thanks Jessica. I have had my thoughts with you guys all day. I wish I could be there with you right now. I am so grateful for your humour!
Love you guys!

Rick said...

We think you guys are brave and strong and great.

Say anything you want...

Angie said...

Humor is my favorite way of coping. Keep it up and we will all get through this a lot happier. My heart has been with you all day.

Diane said...

I've been thinking about you all day. Keep us posted. You are all in my prayers.


Melissa said...

Thank you so much for doing this blog. I enjoy being caught up on it all. Know that we think and pray for all of you constantly!

Melissa (Roberts Cousin)

Anonymous said...

Humor is the best medicine and you can write what you want!! The blog is great and we are praying and thinking about you. You guys are simply fabulous!! Love your guts.

Jen & Kev

Penny said...

I love these photos- especially the one of you and Rob. You look so pretty! thinking of you and sending you lots of good energy.

Wish you were here~


Mark G said...

Jessica, Your blogs are hilarious! You have such a great sense of humor! Nancy and I are thinking about you and your family! You are an incredible source of strength. Tell Rob that bald is beautiful! (Look at me!)