Tuesday, January 13, 2009

PET Scan

All I can say is that this PET Scan experience was sooooo much better than the one three years ago.

There was no leaking IV, no bladder exploding. YAY!!! We got in at 7 am and we left about 9 am. Nice and easy. Ahhhh, the joys of radioactive isotopes!

We spoke with Dr. Pearl earlier than expected to learn the results of the PET Scan. His cancer seems to be only in his lung (sigh of relief). There is a 'hot spot' near his heart that is suspicious. We are not sure when we will find out whether it is cancer-related or an infection (as they present the same way on scans).

Tomorrow, we meet with Dr. Michael Collins. He is the cardiothoracic surgeon that performed the thoracotomy with lobectomy three and one-half years ago on Rob (opened him up and removed his right lower lobe).

The kids are doing their best to hang in there. They are having a rough time. Rob and I are plugging along as well. This seems surreal. I am sure that everything will work out for the best.

I am grateful to you; we have had an outpouring of love and support from so many people. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Until tomorrow...


Doug & Elizabeth said...

Yes, sigh of relief, from what it could be...grateful you are getting better PET scan experiences, great support and attentive medical care. Appreciate you posting and sharing while in the grind of what seems so surreal. Petitioning for every good vibe to be sent your way. We love you, DE Fins

Marci said...

HI, this is Marci Koon Tullis, Rob's cousin Sheryl Koon's daughter. Mom is Delwin and Marilyn's daughter.

Thanks for doing the blog. We will gladly pray for your family and Rob. We live in Jersey, but if there is anything we can do, just let us know. Take care. All our love, the Tullis'

joyce said...

You are in our prayers...Love, Jim and Joyce Morgan

Rich said...

Thanks for keeping us updated. It is hard to be so far away at times like this. Our family had a good fast for you yesterday. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.