Thursday, January 15, 2009

Getting Ready

Alrighty. The surgery is now set officially for Tuesday at Intermountian Medical Center. We will need to be at the hospital before noon on Monday so Rob can get prepped for the big day.

We are busy cramming in as much family-time as possible since Rob will be incapacitated for six to eight weeks healing from his surgery.

We are keeping things as normal as we can for the kids. They are still going to school and keeping occupied with normal activities.

Rob is super-excited for Tuesday. It is all he can think and talk about. (I think that I would need to use water torture to get anything out of him regarding the surgery. He just told me that he is blocking it out of his mind. "Why would I want to think about it?")

I will add another post on Tuesday - surgery day.

Until then. xoxox


MOAB said...

You're in my prayers!

Chelle said...

Jessica, bless you for your humor and strength and willingness to share this journey with all of us.... who love you and your family more than we can say.


Chelle and all of the other Brains on your street ; )

Unknown said...

Oh Jessica, Robert! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!!! May you feel the constant companionship of the Lord through this difficult time... with much love, Ronell and family.

Monica said...

Our thoughts and prayers are definitely with you at this time. Hang in there and know that you are loved. We love you, Monica and family