Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Third Course

Another call.

The nurse just called. She said that they were just closing up - it would be another 30 to 45 minutes. Phew! I am sure that Rob is relieved. I know that I am.

She mentioned that Dr. Collins would come out and talk to us when he is done.

Seriously, I am on pins and needles waiting!

Did I mention to you that yesterday I was doing a "Chief Inspector Dreyfuss" with my face? It was hilarious to Rob. Not so much to me. Rob and I were playing Phase 10 (I was winning, as usual) - totally minding my own business when my left cheek started making with the tick. Soooo annoying. I think that it was my body's response to all this UNWANTED!!! stress.


(OK, for all of you who don't understand my aforementioned reference: This is from the Pink Panther movies. Rob and I had a Pink Panther marathon when we were dating. During one of the movies, we held hands for the first time. Rob's sister, Angie, walked in and noticed the hand-holding and with an embarrased face, turned right around and exited the room. We thought that it was funny.)

Elaine tells me that it is awful that I have to explain my references - I have been reading the blog entries to Steve, Elaine, Gloria, and Megan to make sure that I am making sense - you should have seen the blank stares as I was reading this one - thus the explanation.


Unknown said...

Robert, good luck, we'll be praying for you and your family. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

Angie said...

Wahoo! I made it in your blog! I still get embarrased when I see you two holding hands : )

So glad everything went well.