Wednesday, January 21, 2009

ICU - Day One, Continued

Rob is doing fantastic!

He looks so much better than last time. He is off of his blood pressure medicine. the nurse thinks that he will be out of the ICU tomorrow!!! YAY!!!

While I was there today he had a few firsts:

First steps (awww so cute!) - I really wished I had my camera to take his picture. Francis Clark, Tarali, and I were walking behind him, just waiting for his gown to flip open. It didn't though. Darnit!

First Solid Foods (he fed himself, though) - He had corn, rice, buttermilk chicken (well, two bites of it), and Black Forest cake (few bites of that, too).

First Bath - well, this is the second bath there. He has bathed many times before today - in case you were wondering. (That is why he smells so sweet!)

Last time, he was in the ICU for three days. He seems bound and determined to leave there earlier this time (and to leave the hospital altogether).

The kids will be happy to have him home again. They have been able to talk to him on the phone a few times and it is the highlight of their day.


El Jefe said...

Okay, okay. I finally read your blog. But when I see you I will still ask questions. Unless you don't want me to - hence the purpose of the blog. You need to smuggle Rob an Apollo Burger, shake, and fries.

Anonymous said...

This is so wonderful. Our prayers are paying off. I enjoy your humor. We use that to keep from going stark raving mad. Yoou are a trooper Jessica. Rob is luckey to have you

Love and still praying,
~Aunt Shirley ~