Wednesday, January 21, 2009

ICU - Day One

Rob is doing well. Last night his blood pressure dropped pretty low. They had to give him some medicine to keep it above 70 (keep in mind that the "normal/average" is 120 (systolic - the upper one). I asked the nurse why his blood pressure would drop so low. She thought that it had to do with the fact that he is young and normally has low blood pressure (115/60) or it was from the narcotics. She didn't think it was because of the amount of blood loss during the surgery.

This morning he is itchy from his pain meds so they cut back on part of the cocktail and gave him some anti-itch medicine. He had the same reaction after his first surgery.

Rob's Mom, Elaine, has been sitting at the hospital this morning - going in to visit him every hour (we can only stay for about 15 minutes at a time so as not to tire him). She says he looks good.

Rob's sister and Dad will go later and then I will follow after that.

Our children are doing OK. Jacob (12) and Gabrielle (10) seem to be handling it better than Noah. He was convinced last night that Rob was not coming home. He was beside himself. It was just sad. He asked me if he "was alive when Daddy had cancer last time." Poor little guy doesn't remember any of this since he was just barely four. (Or should I say lucky???)

1 comment:

Shan said...

Hi Jess and family,
Just wanted to drop a note to let you know that you are in my prayers...your names are on the temple prayer roll(s). PLEASE let me know if I can do anything!
Love you guys!!!